Jake Ylioja


With over 22 years of experience in home building and design, Jake Ylioja is constantly seeking new, innovating methods of home construction and design. He and the team at JN Built love nothing more than to help each clients’ dream become reality. No matter the client’s desires or needs for their home, Jake thrives in the pursuit of meeting and surpassing expectations and constructing an amazing home for each JN Built client.

Jake got his start in construction and home building at the early age of 12, building forts and other structures in the back yard. His interest in the industry was cultivated by several uncles who work in home construction and whom he greatly respected. His wide experience in several areas of the construction industry – including framing and trim carpentry, cabinet construction and installation, site supervisor and project manager – allow him to bring a well-round perspective to every project

When away from the office or job site, Jake enjoys spending time with his wife and kids at their home in Elk River as well as serving as the Facilities Manager at his church. He and his family also love to go camping in the summers and snowboarding through the winter.


  • Journeyman Carpenter
  • Lead Certified

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